Jul 8, 2010

d truth behind dreams-it's time to face the reality

heyy this time i am in a mood to discuss something serious:

i know, a lot have been written about how to live,what to do about and all owing to various perceptions.
so here i am to add mine :P

any ways
you don't really need to think before taking every step in life,i mean yess,
u can move with the flow as it comes but that's for small moments that gives you small happiness.
but BIG happiness (read as big moments) need to be planned.

if you wish to have an AUDI ,then how can it come to u with the flow.
no it won't(untill ur suprer lucky nad some one gift it to you)
but if u r not
den read on..

planning life is not dat diffcult as it seems to us during various stages of plan.
do u kno dat only 2% people in dis world plan der life
and those 2% are most successfull people in the world.
succesfull,becouse they got what they wanted
and that's success.

first of all u have to admit and tell urself one thing
u can't get each and everything in dis world dat u want to have
because many of dem won't lie in the same path.
and please learn to validate ur needs,
some thing we just want a thing,because we just want it.

just ask ur self once,do u really want it.

ask ur self,
what relation nd moments u want to share with that thing once u got it.
u want a super car
u got it
but u don't have passion for driving(or dnt 1 kno to drive)











.den what
den ur chauffer will enjoy dat super car :)

really guys ask ur self
do i REALLY i want it??
that would really help.

other thing that i want to focus on is :

heard of this word before??
u plan ur day
dats good?

but did u palnned ur life?


lemme help
here i will take up the most important but most neglected planning
well some of you may not even kno if this kind of thing exists??

u start with a salary of 25000/month after ur studies.
will that really help u to have dat mension or d bunglow dat u want to own.
forget about dat bunglow
could u even own a apartment with that???

coz those 25000 are not going into savings.
i bet many of us won't have a single penny saving out of it.
but u got to understand
saving is very important.

u will have to control ur temptations of present for your dreams of tomorrow.

suppose u manage to save 500/month (that is maximum u can in today's conditions(mehengaaai)).
dat makes it 6000/Year
suppose ur salart increases every year den u save 6000+8000+.....................24000/year
u save 1lac 50000 in 10 year
(if ur saving each year increases by 2000)

don't worry dis is the minimum possible figure.
if u r reallly good and dedicated to ur job and happy with it then,
on an average,at the end of 10 years dat person wud be earning around 60000/month.

but then too taking into account all his expenditures and savings he will save around

but den i have a question
what will u buy from dat 4 lacs?

a house??
but u r paying itz rent/EMI from last 10 yrs
a car??
u r paying itz EMI from last 5 yrs

so my dear ur saving gets back to 2 lacs in 10 years
(if u have been paying those EMI'S)
(and if not
den u r in trouble :P)

go get ur dream in 2 lacs.. :P




now what??





well don't u think u forgot something??
yes u did
and dat is called
















yes investing.

investment companies are not just about making those irritating calls dat most f us always ignore.
investment is important.

investing at the right time and done inteligently could not only help u finnaially but also can support u in crises when u need bulk money especially in medical emergencies.

investment needs patience as it doesn't yeild results in days and weeks,it takes years to give the fruit.
u need to plan dat at what age u want to acheive or mile stones.

suppose u want to have a car at 30,
want to pay ur all EMI of ur housetill age of 40
want to start ur small business at age of 50 or aftre ur RETIREMENT..

den u have to invest in diffrent (here 3) plans acc. to maount needed,to have d fruit at age of 30,40 nad 50+ respectively.
so do try to kno about investemnt and invest as soon as possible.

i really dnt want to convey importance of investment here,dat is secondry.
i want all of u to open ur eyes
come out of ur dreams
realise dem
be practical now

ask ur self
can u do all dat in one life time..
so cut short on ur bina sar paira ke sapne

i guess i have lot more questions coming up in ur mind
lots to answer
i will surely do dat in my following blogs as i do have lot to share.
till then try to  realise and give a serious thought on what i said